Please make a note at where we will be Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
This is a wonderful festival we drove down to experience last year with our oldest daughter, Carly.
It is a free festival held annually in Denton, TX and is filled to the brim with wonderful jazz musicians. Some of the musicians come from University of North Texas, one of the top music universities in the United States. Other groups and individuals come from across the country to play in this festival.
Lots of food, arts and crafts and entertainment stages will be a fun family event if you are in the area.
The Headline artist for 2006 is Joshua Redman (Friday night) and The Robert Cray Band (Saturday night)
Anyway, if any of you Texans reading this decide to go to the festival, don't be shy, come up and say hi! You'll recognize me....I am the gal with the guy in the Batman suit.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
I was driving back to work Monday after lunch at home (the hottest day this year 96 degrees!) and noticed a lot of people wearing all sorts of hats. In my short 1 mile drive back to work I saw: a baseball hat, a fishing hat, a visor, and an outback looking hat. By the time I got back to work I was laughing.....
Hats are very important to men I have discovered over the years. Men lacking in the furry head covering department must utilize head wear or lots of SPF 50 sunscreen to keep from getting a scorched cranium. Joe's fave hat I believe is a green baseball hat with an "orange" team on it. At the moment, the name of the team escapes me. I have also learned that my bootie is a hat magnet. When he takes off his hat in the vehicles, that hat will invariably end up under my butt and get smashed. I'm thinking we need a special suctioned hook in the cars for his hats.
Got me thinking: what kinds of hats to y'all wear? Do you have an activity that requires special headgear? Does Foo have a cycling hat? Does Meow have a Down Under hat? Does Saur have a hat with a mask? Does Emma have a hat with coffee cups on it? How big of a hat does Gobhole need to hide her hair on bad hair days? Is Leslee an OU or OSU fan? Does Jamie Dawn wear a big Southern Belle bonnet? Does Anne wear a do-rag? She is a motorcycle Mama you know......
Slick has a cool hat. (maybe I can catch him in it and take a picture)
Our church has a fun tradition. Months that have 5 Sundays we proclaim the 5th Sunday, "Hat Day" All the ladies of the church wear a hat to church. It can be any hat: funny like a chef's hat, or serious like a beret, it can be playful like a baseball hat. I have seen jester hats, graduation hats, big funny garden hats(me), cowgirl hats, baseball caps and even visors. This is a fun day and you should try it in your the catalyst and get the funniest hat you can find. :o)
I have asked Uncle Joe for assistance with this post in the way of locating some good pictures to stay tuned if you are reading this post with text only. I know he will come up with some good ones.
So there you have it folks, my silly thoughts for the week. ~AJ
Hats are very important to men I have discovered over the years. Men lacking in the furry head covering department must utilize head wear or lots of SPF 50 sunscreen to keep from getting a scorched cranium. Joe's fave hat I believe is a green baseball hat with an "orange" team on it. At the moment, the name of the team escapes me. I have also learned that my bootie is a hat magnet. When he takes off his hat in the vehicles, that hat will invariably end up under my butt and get smashed. I'm thinking we need a special suctioned hook in the cars for his hats.
Got me thinking: what kinds of hats to y'all wear? Do you have an activity that requires special headgear? Does Foo have a cycling hat? Does Meow have a Down Under hat? Does Saur have a hat with a mask? Does Emma have a hat with coffee cups on it? How big of a hat does Gobhole need to hide her hair on bad hair days? Is Leslee an OU or OSU fan? Does Jamie Dawn wear a big Southern Belle bonnet? Does Anne wear a do-rag? She is a motorcycle Mama you know......
Slick has a cool hat. (maybe I can catch him in it and take a picture)
Our church has a fun tradition. Months that have 5 Sundays we proclaim the 5th Sunday, "Hat Day" All the ladies of the church wear a hat to church. It can be any hat: funny like a chef's hat, or serious like a beret, it can be playful like a baseball hat. I have seen jester hats, graduation hats, big funny garden hats(me), cowgirl hats, baseball caps and even visors. This is a fun day and you should try it in your the catalyst and get the funniest hat you can find. :o)
I have asked Uncle Joe for assistance with this post in the way of locating some good pictures to stay tuned if you are reading this post with text only. I know he will come up with some good ones.
So there you have it folks, my silly thoughts for the week. ~AJ
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Hello Peeps!
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Stealing Cassidy
Today, after a 4 hour ordeal that involved 4 stores to get all the Joes a new Easter outfit we arrived home and Cassidy wanted to ride her bike on the driveway. I had already told the girls that I needed a rest before we colored the eggs for tomorrow and Cassi wanted someone to stay outside with her. She said, "Carly, will you stay outside with me? I don't want anyone to steal me." and just laughed and started riding her bike.......
(I realize this is a serious thing, but it struck me funny the way she said it)
She was also singing "Jesus Take The Wheel" today, except she had made up her own words.
"Jesus take the week, I can't do this all night long" This girl keeps us laughing every day....
Today at Payless Shoe Store I had a sad revelation. Carly and I may not have the same taste in shoes! Shoot! I was looking forward to sharing all those shoes!! Maybe she will change her mind and start picking out some cute shoes that I like. heehee!
We also ran into my friend Greg and his wife Melissa and their 10 month old baby, Logan at the mall. That was a was the first time I had seen Logan since he was a newborn and he had grown so much! His cheeks were just full of sugars. (that of course i had to kiss!) He was fascinated by Cassidy, who had put on some sparkley face gel at Bath and Bodyworks. He kept reaching out to touch her face and tried to poke her in the eye. He also tried to pick her nose. Cassi didn't quite know what to think of that.
Now I am off to rest for a bit before the hoo-haa continues as we color Easter eggs.
I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday weekend. :o) Are you eating Peeps? I personally don't like them. Too sticky and sugary for me. I am a fan of Reese's Eggs and Jelly Belly's :o)
I found something really cute for the girls at KMart. We will post a picture of them later. I looked all over and couldn't find a Cadbury creme egg...the one that looks like a real egg when you break it. Do they still make those? Joe likes them and I thought I would surprise him with one. (The first time I saw one of those I gagged. It looked like a real raw egg yolk inside and made sick!)
Praise God for the resurrection! I am glad we serve a living God, one that will return someday and take us home to Heaven.
(I realize this is a serious thing, but it struck me funny the way she said it)
She was also singing "Jesus Take The Wheel" today, except she had made up her own words.
"Jesus take the week, I can't do this all night long" This girl keeps us laughing every day....
Today at Payless Shoe Store I had a sad revelation. Carly and I may not have the same taste in shoes! Shoot! I was looking forward to sharing all those shoes!! Maybe she will change her mind and start picking out some cute shoes that I like. heehee!
We also ran into my friend Greg and his wife Melissa and their 10 month old baby, Logan at the mall. That was a was the first time I had seen Logan since he was a newborn and he had grown so much! His cheeks were just full of sugars. (that of course i had to kiss!) He was fascinated by Cassidy, who had put on some sparkley face gel at Bath and Bodyworks. He kept reaching out to touch her face and tried to poke her in the eye. He also tried to pick her nose. Cassi didn't quite know what to think of that.
Now I am off to rest for a bit before the hoo-haa continues as we color Easter eggs.
I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday weekend. :o) Are you eating Peeps? I personally don't like them. Too sticky and sugary for me. I am a fan of Reese's Eggs and Jelly Belly's :o)
I found something really cute for the girls at KMart. We will post a picture of them later. I looked all over and couldn't find a Cadbury creme egg...the one that looks like a real egg when you break it. Do they still make those? Joe likes them and I thought I would surprise him with one. (The first time I saw one of those I gagged. It looked like a real raw egg yolk inside and made sick!)
Praise God for the resurrection! I am glad we serve a living God, one that will return someday and take us home to Heaven.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Help! I am blogging and can't stop!
I have posted four posts!
Here I leave a post up for a week and today I post four!
Oh well hope you have a few minutes to read them.
I hope you all enjoyed your Sunday......we had a wonderful Easter Song service at my mothers church and I understand from Joe that the service he attended with Ted was excellent as well. I am amazed at the messages these preachers have for us every week. God is so good. He knows exactly what we need to hear and leads us to those messages. I actually had my own private service while listening to the music. I took advantage of the quiet time and just prayed for things that were on my heart. At one point I looked over at Cassidy, all snuggled in Papa's arm and had to look away because I was starting to tear up. My grandmother, and my mother (and I and many other family members too) have prayed for many years for my dad to get back into church and to see him there with his baby granddaughter was a wonderful sight.
Right now Cassidy and I are watching "Elf" one of my favorite movies. There is no one like Will Ferrell to make us laugh! Who says we can't watch a Christmas movie in April? ;o)
Y'all have a great week and I'll see you around the blogosphere.
Here I leave a post up for a week and today I post four!
Oh well hope you have a few minutes to read them.
I hope you all enjoyed your Sunday......we had a wonderful Easter Song service at my mothers church and I understand from Joe that the service he attended with Ted was excellent as well. I am amazed at the messages these preachers have for us every week. God is so good. He knows exactly what we need to hear and leads us to those messages. I actually had my own private service while listening to the music. I took advantage of the quiet time and just prayed for things that were on my heart. At one point I looked over at Cassidy, all snuggled in Papa's arm and had to look away because I was starting to tear up. My grandmother, and my mother (and I and many other family members too) have prayed for many years for my dad to get back into church and to see him there with his baby granddaughter was a wonderful sight.
Right now Cassidy and I are watching "Elf" one of my favorite movies. There is no one like Will Ferrell to make us laugh! Who says we can't watch a Christmas movie in April? ;o)
Y'all have a great week and I'll see you around the blogosphere.
Bestest Pizza in Oklahoma

Sam & Ella's serves our favorite pizza, Rock Island Red. It is a hand made crust topped with large chunks of ham drizzled with honey, red onions and lots of pineapples and of course red sauce and mozzarella cheez.
If you are ever out this way, you must stop by and have a slice or two. We always get enough to have a slice for breakfast or a midnight snack. Did I get any of the left
overs you ask? Well NO. I am still pouting about that. :o( There are apparently One-Eyed-One-Horned-Flying-Purple-Pizza-Eaters in the Joe House. I need some repellant or a new place to hide left overs.
Fun Day at the Parade

Here are some pictures of CarlyJo and CassiJo at the Azalea Festival Parade yesterday. The weather was very nice...sunny and chili...oops I mean chilly. :o) It was also the annual Chili Cookoff. We sampled some chili, some hot links, and bbq. Who won you ask? We have no idea!
Uncle Joe and the band played an intermission for a local church band. There wer SO many other bands playing in such a small area that they had a hard time hearing themselves. They were not happy with their performance, but to the audience it sounded fine. Hopefully, the next performance will be more to their liking. Uncle Joe came home a little sunburned cold hands felt good on his hot sunburned cranium this morning. :o)
We all came home smelling of smoke and I had to take a shower to get back to my vanilla-scented self.
This Thing Really Sucks!!

When Joe and I were off Thursday we had to go to Sears, here at our local mall. I decided to check out the vacuum cleaners and LOOK what i found!! I found this Bissell vacuum regularly $180 on Clarence's Rack for $32.99!! Can you believe that? I surely snatched that up. I had a great Panasonic vaccuum but somehow, after 10 years of faithful service it decided to retire.
I love the retro look and the color if fabulous! Another great thing is the motor is a detachable canister too. It is also a bagless so I can forget about making a special trip to the vaccuum cleaner store 30 miles away to buy a gross of bags. (it seems that NO ONE in our town stocks Panasonic bags, wouldn't you know)
I know you all are coveting my vaccuum cleaner right at this very moment, but you will have to find your own. This one is MINE!!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Painted Piggies In Sandals

Missie Anne over at Hubbadoo had a great idea: post a picture of our favorite summer sandals.
Here are my favorites. I got them at Payless two summers ago and I wear them all the time in the summer. When I am not wearing these, I like flip flops in all colors. I am so glad that flip flops are cheap. My daughter and I will be wearing the same size shoe before too long and that will be kinda nice....our shoe collection will double! (sorry Joe!) :o)
As you can see i wear an anklet too. It is just a little bead thing I made and I have lots of those too. It may look silly, but I like it in the summer. I don't have it on right now, but I also like to wear toe rings. Do you? Nothing fancy, just a small gold band.
If I ever had a tattoo, I would want one on my toe. ;o)
If you want to see some more painted piggies in summer sandals go here
I am secretly off work today and Joe and I are gong to eat some Thai food for lunch.......yum!
I have camera in hand in case we encounter anything interesting or funny or just down right weird.
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