Monday, December 12, 2005

Monday Monday

I have to get up at 5 flippin 30 in the morning to get a turn on the computer! My hubby is addicted to the BlogWorld! :) I teased him yesterday about all his BlogBuddies.....don't y'all work??

We had our Christmas program last night at church. Both our daughters were in it and let me tell you it was so cute!! My oldest daughter had to stand in the back row because she is so tall so I could hardly see her...but I could see that she was right where she wanted to be where she could hide. I saw her pretty fact peeking out at me several times and would smile at her. I don't know if she saw me or not, it was hard to tell. My baby (Who turned 6 yesterday) was in the elementary choir so they were in the front. She is also tallest so she was easy to spot. She on the other hand is a ham.

I am ready for a day off. I need a day to do some shopping before Christmas, but I have to wait for payday! I think I will ask for Friday off and finish up. We don't have a lot to buy for this year so that is nice since we really don't have the funds. It will help us remember what Christmas is really about.

Our Girl Scout play is tonight. I will be glad for it to be over. The girls have worked hard, but I am just ready to get on to something else.

My weekend was very full. Saturday we had company all day and I got stuck at home with 4 giggling, squealing, dancing, mess making girls and had to miss a fun time with Hubby and his band members and their spouses. Then Sunday was full of church activities including the program above, the prep for the play with the Girl Scouts. It was a fun but tiring weekend.

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