Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Smell of Music

Two days ago as we were driving home from Nana's, Cassidy in usual form was singing. Carly and I noticed at the same time that she was singing: "I can smell the music........."

Maybe she can.


  1. Hey, some people can. I've heard of people have weird things with their senses like that like they can see sounds and stuff. I can't remember what it's called.

  2. Synesthesia! That's what it's called.

  3. well as you know I'm a smeller, so I can relate. I can also smell hawt men especially when they wear tommy hilfiger cologne. This one time I was smelling a guy and turns out he was actually not in the mood for it and he kicked my butt

  4. I only smell it when it stinks.

  5. The Candy Man song always has that affect on me. ;)

  6. ....i see what you're saying....
    kids, - they are destroying the english language.


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