Saturday, April 21, 2007

Gotta love duct tape!

This is Megan and her prom date in DUCT TAPE PROM WEAR!! Is this not hilarious!? She goes to my church and is a doll. I don't know him at all but he must be pretty cool to wear a tape suit for his girl. I will have to ask her how she made this when I see her Sunday morning. :o)


  1. hey!
    I love those outfits. Looks a little clammy though. But fun!

    Oh Recieved pecans in mail today! Thank you so much! They're delish - I am nuts, so very fitting.. *lol*

  2. well, I think duct tape prom dresses were invented by concerned parents. They probaby would not be very easy to get off!!

    Thank goodness duct tape comes in so many fantastic colors it makes fashion a snap!

  3. Oh my gosh! Those are so incredibly clever! I love it.

  4. That is great!
    And I thought my son's duct tape wallet was cool.
    THIS is SUPER cool!!!


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