Sunday, February 12, 2006

I am a LOSER!!

I am such a loser.

Uncle Joe proposed a contest. I was SO confident in my spam detecting abilities that I didn't think he would win in a million years. I mean SPAM is so disgusting to me that I felt sure I would know it if he tried to make me eat it.

Well I was wrong.

While I was at Walmart last night providing sustinance for my beloved family, he was at home feverishly cooking up a scheme to trick his loving wife. I can just see the glee on his face as he mixed the ingredients and I can hear his laughing as he pulled them out of the oven.

He whipped up some SPAM MUFFINS !! Who the heck makes up recipes like this anyway??

Well I will say that I had no idea it was SPAM in them. He kept asking me if I wanted to try one last night, but due to an overindulgence of onion rings at lunch, I passed. Good thing he saved two for lunch today. BTW we also had company over so my humiliation was made public!! Dazzler and her Lil Dazzler were dining with us and she got such a laugh!! She was in on it too!! I know I had a stupid look on my face when he said, "Do you know what is in them? The top layer was blah blah blah and the bottom layer has SPAM." HUH??? Did he just say SPAM?? I did NOT just eat SPAM and like it. I had to taste it again to be sure. I still couldn't taste it but there were no more muffins to pick apart and inspect, so that must tell you they were good.

OK I admit it. I ate SPAM and liked it. ARE YOU PEOPLE HAPPY NOW???!!!


  1. Recipe please? I'm one of the few people in the world to admit I like Spam and its first cousin Treet.

    I do more cooking with it than actual eating of it - that may make the difference although I'm capable of cooking it for a sandwich too.

  2. Click on the link on the word SPAM MUFFINS and it will take you to the site.......

    I still don't like it but those muffins were good and he said he used 1/2 the amount called for so I would for sure taste them.

  3. There are no losers whenever SPAM is involved..

  4. I like pan fried Spam on rare occasion but Spam muffins? Hmmmm...I have to try that.

  5. you have disgraced spam haters everywhere. you will surely be kicked off the national association for spam haters. thats the NASH. how long before they catch up to you and send you the dismissal letter?

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. *sniff* I am gonna miss those guys....they were a great bunch of spam haters. I remember when we used to........awww I can't even talk about it, it is too painful. *sniff*

  8. Into every life a little SPAM must fall.

  9. Spam muffins? I'll bet he could hit doggy poo in them, too, then....

  10. OH NO!!!!! He tricked you! SO, tell me, how can I disguise potato salad?

  11. Anne you have never shared your recipe....lemme see it and then we'll come up with a plan.

    Have you tried Potato salad sandwiches? Joe likes those.....

    He is still gloating. He will not let me live this one down I just know it. He said, "You knew I would win...." and I whispered in his ear "I LET you win." and walked off. hahaha :o) It really was fun......and he was so creative! I was impressed after the nausea passed.

  12. Spam is OK when sliced and fried and put in a burger with lots of other yummy stuff. I confess to liking the stuff ... sorry ... don't hate me, I am not a bad person, just have strange tastes in food !! (I think I said something similar about my TV habits on someone else's blog ... I also have not imagination with what I write !!!!)
    Enjoy your day, Meow

  13. He set forth, he baked, he conquered!!
    Spam muffins sound simply hideous, but I'm sure they tasted better than they seem, or there would be some left over.

  14. My "friend" Bev suggested that he grind it up in a meatloaf. I tied her up so she couldn't tell him. :o) haha

  15. Were there chunks of SPAM in the muffins, or was it creamated into the dough? Either way sounds pretty bad.

  16. the spam was grated into small slivers and when cooked almost melted into the oatmeal based dough.
    anne,we'll begin the search for a winning potato salad recipe!

  17. Another contest from Joe: Make Ted believe there is a chicken salad sandwich for him. and one strawberry tart with not so much rat in it

  18. Happy Valentine's Day to You & Uncle Joe.
    Tell all those you love that you LOVE them!!!!!
    And whatever you do, have some chocolate. I will too!

  19. Hi,Great Blog keep it going.Do you have any ideas on the best red potato salad for my new book coming out soon ?


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